Welcome Audience!

Hey, welcome to my blog "Rantability" hope you like it! Any constructive feedback is welcome and any abusers or trolls...BRING.IT.ON.

-Joe \m/-

Saturday 23 April 2011

Thank You Audience! And A Glorious Shout Out!

Hey Guys! Just posting to say thank you to all my viewers..all, presently, 55 of you! And a very big thanks to all y'all in the States! Did I say that right? Anyway back on to the main point, I would like to give a big shout out to 3 fellow...bloggers I think is the correct title...or as I like to call them "women". I'm gonna get beaten for writing that. Who without them you wouldn't be reading this or any of my past posts and, hopefully, having a little laugh at my opinions. So I am going to give a shout out to Sunshine_Camila95 and her blog "Life As We Know it", It is well worth a look at! Also take a little scoot over to Hollister_Betty94 and her blog "So Wrong It's Right"...the name of which I think is from some crappy All Time Low song...she's not gonna like that last sentence. >< And finally to my friend Imi who's blog "born to breathe" is full of fashion banter and pictures of great deals and such. So have a little look at all of these lovely ladies blogs, maybe follow them....but only on blogspot..no wierdos PLEASE! Cheers for reading this and for hopefully going to view their blogs..Joey Metal OUT!

By the way all writing in this colour is my outer-inner monologue. Comment if you have no idea what that means. :) 

-Joe \m/-

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