Welcome Audience!

Hey, welcome to my blog "Rantability" hope you like it! Any constructive feedback is welcome and any abusers or trolls...BRING.IT.ON.

-Joe \m/-

Tuesday 26 April 2011

First Day Back At School...Verbal Sigh!

Hey Guys! As those of the audience in Britain should know today, for the majority, is the first day back to school! Many see it as an opportunity to catch up with friends they haven't seen over the holidays or just just chill out before getting properly into the regular school regime. But NO! Not for Joe! First lesson back at school...Spanish Listening Exam! I mean what's up with THAT!? I get that I am nearing my GCSE exams, but first lesson on the first day back? Then the rest of the day was hard work and revision!...except for Art, I drew a cartoon dragon...called him "Geoff" and glued him to a computer. >< And for younger members of said audience...When you reach Yr 10 DO NOT SLACK! Take it from me..a lazy Yr 11. It does not pay off! You need to concentrate throughout the entire, in EVERY SINGLE SUBJECT! GCSEs are not easy, so it is no use thinking that you can pick up the slack in Yr 11...as I found out, IT. DOESN'T. WORK. Yes you should always keep at least 3 or so hours for yourself everyday, but always keep 1 or 2 hours in your schedule for revision. Especially during Yr 11 as it can possibly mean the difference between a B and an A or an A and an A*! I'm sorry for not really making any funny rants today...it's because it has just hit me that we only have 2/3 weeks until our first GCSE exam! I hope you all take my advice! okay...Rannnnt, rannt rannt.....EUREKA! So today I was trying to play Dust In The Wind..I know it is not metal! and is kinda....crappy. >< But it has such a nice guitar track! If any of you, the audience, can play it, please record yourself playing it and post it in a comment or if I manage to/remember I might create a Rantability Facebook page for all your responses to my questions! So all you around Britain, America and that one viewer in France can show me up. ¬¬ So please like it if you can find it on Facebook! If you can't...I've forgotten to make it. And guys I see none of you have liked my band's page, it'll be much appreciated and if we get this baby off the ground, who knows we might come to a town near you to play a gig! We are heavy! (Kinda like Whitechapel, Suicide Silence) And if I can find how...I'm going to post the guitar track and vocal track for our new song Unholy Trinity on here so all you brothers and sisters of metal can have a lil' taste of it...just realised how long this blog is...Joey Metal OUT!

-Joe \m/-

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