Welcome Audience!

Hey, welcome to my blog "Rantability" hope you like it! Any constructive feedback is welcome and any abusers or trolls...BRING.IT.ON.

-Joe \m/-

Sunday 24 April 2011

Happy Easter Audience!

Hey Guys! Happy Easter! As you all know Easter is the celebration of Jesus' resurrection. Now...one SMALL question...How the freak did a bunny get involved?! Eggs I can sort of understand like rebirth, the start of new things and such but a bunny?! This is the Christian holiday of rebirth and the start of Spring. Not the holiday of twitchy noses and furiously shagging!...I hope. >< Was it because like for some strange and unexplainable reason when Jesus was crucified and put in his tomb there was a fluffy bunny holding a woven basket full of eggs? No. It wasn't. It is most probably when a big supermarket asked what they could use to commercialise this Holiday some guy wasn't paying attention looked out side and went.."oooooh look it's a cute little bunny ^^" to which all the leading...leaders of it had a Eureka moment! We'll have a bunny carrying eggs! Because it's not freaking plausible!...A bunny cannot carry a basket full of eggs...because it lacks in thumbs! RAAAWWWWWWWWRRRRR..Bunnies really piss me off. ¬¬ 

Anyway guys on a lighter note I hope you all have a great Easter! Even though I am not very Christian myself just take a step back from your eggs, your knitted chicks and...your BUNNIES! And have a think for a second about what this is really all about...then by all means stuff your face till you pass out or throw up!...Whatever comes first! Joey Metal OUT!

-Joe \m/-


  1. If anyone does know why a bunny is involved please enlighten me!

    -Joe \m/-

  2. Well imma be a clever clogs and answer your question. Bunnies are also a symbol of life because they represent life after death. It is also a symbol of fertility and renewal. The rabbit is also an animal that is known to hibernate or hide away in the winter so it comes back out in the spring and Easter not only represents the rebirth of Christ but it also represents spring and spring represents rebirth (mating season for certain animals, flowers come out). So it does make sense to have a rabbit present as a symbol of Easter. But a bunny carrying eggs is a bit ridiculous but still take that B*ITCH!!! ;)

  3. Cheers for enlightening me...I still think it's a load of bullspit :)


  4. *Bullshit... ;) outsmarting you feels good :D

  5. No I meant spit incase we offended any younger Audience members! tut tut Little Miss Sinshine ;) And it isn't that hard to be perfectly fair and it wasn't outsmarting it was fixing a hole in my knowledge...all you did is answer my question.

    -Joe \m/-
