Welcome Audience!

Hey, welcome to my blog "Rantability" hope you like it! Any constructive feedback is welcome and any abusers or trolls...BRING.IT.ON.

-Joe \m/-

Monday 25 April 2011

Ahhhhh Hayfever!

Hey Guys! It's getting near that dreaded time of year when all the people who have hayfever cower inside with tissues and hot orange. I am one of those people! And on behalf of all those people I say FREAK OFF POLLEN! Me and my older brother are the only people in my family who suffer from hayfever and boy do we get it bad! As soon as summer arrives we're stuck inside with itchy, bloodshot eyes, blocked noses and in general discomfort. What is the point in this affliction?! It is just punishing those who love summer! It's the only allergy which completely destroys the best time of the year! WHY?! It's not like in Britain our summers are full of sun and trips to the beach like on the coast of America or another uber sunny country, but it would just be nice to have the option of enjoying them! And before you say "But Joe, there are pills you can take", don't go there I have tried them ALL! I've had the non-drowsy ones and the drowsy, and they both sucked! One doesn't do anything, and the other you don't actually know if it is doing anything because you are falling asleep all the time! If any of you, the audience, know of any way to somehow get rid of hayfever or to help me please feel free to comment! Just make it short, I'm kinda lazy and would bother to read it. Ughhhh, I'm off to try and enjoy playing tennis...without having to leave court because I've gone blind due to having bloodshot, itchy eyes. >< Oh yeah..that was something I forgot to put on my first post...I.Play.Tennis...I'm not too bad, after for playing for 12 years, if you want to challenge me...you'll lose...end of. ^^ Joey Metal OUT!

-Joe \m/-

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