Welcome Audience!

Hey, welcome to my blog "Rantability" hope you like it! Any constructive feedback is welcome and any abusers or trolls...BRING.IT.ON.

-Joe \m/-

Saturday 23 April 2011

Decapitated Oath song and "My Jeans" Rant

Hey guys! As you can tell by the title there is going to a be rant in this blog somewhere...I hope. Anyway yesterday morning me and my mate Jake, who coincidently is the Lead Singer of Oath, wrote a song. It is quite brutal and definitely not for those with a weak heart, sensitive hearing, those of you blessed with the gift of hearing, people which are religious, because it doesn't put the Holy Trinity in a very good light...hence its name The Unholy Trinity. Anyway apart from its lyrics it is a BADASS DEATHCORE TUNE! It even has a solo! Played by me. If enough people like, comment, share or whatever you do one this thing...I'll upload the recording...and if I do bear in mind it is an amateur recording and is a little bit out of time. 

On to the rant!..Many of you may have heard of Rebecca Black's "Friday" song...well today I discovered a song which not only tops this but may forever hold the record for s****y auto-tuned nonsense about inanimate objects!It is called "My Jeans" by Jenna Rose. It starts off with a little girl talking about some jeans...then it gets well out of hand..there are even some inpubescent children rapping. "HOORAAAY!.." shouts Justin Bieber as he is no longer the highest voice in music! PAEDO SPOILER ALERT! In the end when the girl finally gets these jeans, they have sequins in the shape of a J on her backside! Bearing in mind she is like 7 she is flashing it about! Not only is it just wrong it is immoral! If I was her I wouldn't dare go into public, because this song is diabolically bad! If I were her and getting money for this I would be using it for protection money! Because I don't want to know where she got the profound idea that people may actually like this song!..This is all I have in my rant bank at the present time but I'll make sure it's full for tomorrow! If there is anything you want me to review post it in a comment or message me on Facebook!

-Joe \m/-


  1. I still haven't listened to that song ... and i still don't think i want to :L

  2. It is by far THE WORST SONG KNOWN TO HUMANITY! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DwT_2QQU64 Give it a little look >< Be warned if you enjoy sanity don't listen to it longer than 1 minute!
