Welcome Audience!

Hey, welcome to my blog "Rantability" hope you like it! Any constructive feedback is welcome and any abusers or trolls...BRING.IT.ON.

-Joe \m/-

Saturday 7 May 2011

3 songs...well thought about for Oath!

Hey Guys! So I was sitting in my study and I was bored...so I decided it was about time I "entertained" you THE AUDIENCE, so much so that I put you in big, colourful capital letters ^^ That took far too much time and effort for what it is worth >< Anywhooooooooo...My band Decapitated Oath had a band practise today! It went very well we have perfected our first song, and a second is well on the way! And my other band Cause Uncertain (Name change due to in USA some metal band was called Unjustified) had the first proper band practise....still a LOT to do.

On another note BIN LADEN IS DEAD!...Or so it seems...however now because of this...I hate to say it but the whole world is royally F**KED. A new Al-Queda leader has already been announced...and he is piiiiiiiiiiiissed! Although this may be old news to you...but this guy has sworn to not stop until Obama is safely in a grave, dead or alive...*gulp* This is not gonna be good. However!....There is no however...just...keep your wits about you...and avoid America...FOREVER...I'm joking! It'll all die down soon enough and we can all forget about it and  return to our civilised normal lives! But one thing has to be said...if I get 1 more "Bin Laden Shoot Down Video!" Posted on my wall or on Facebook chat...I am going to kill that person by inserting their face into a blender...with a grater attachment on!...too far? Anyway I hope all you guys are well and that you all have a badass weekend! Joey Metal OUT!

-Joe \m/-

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