Welcome Audience!

Hey, welcome to my blog "Rantability" hope you like it! Any constructive feedback is welcome and any abusers or trolls...BRING.IT.ON.

-Joe \m/-

Friday 29 April 2011

Neo-Ritmo gig and The Royal Wedding!

Hey Guys! So it's been a while since my last post...a couple of days...and for that I am sorta sorry. If any local viewers are...viewing...you most probably know I went to an album launch for my guitar teacher's band Neo-Ritmo...they are not especially heavy but have great guitar licks and Jason (The lead singer) has an amazing and powerful voice! It was an amazing gig and was the second best gig I have EVER been to. It narrowly beats Murderdolls. I think you should all check them out of Facebook or on their myspace...sorry I cannot link to their myspace ><. Anyway it was all great fun and was an epic night!

So...The. Royal. Mother. Freaking. Wedding. It was all a bit over the top am I right? I have just 1 or 3 things to say about it. PILF! Orrrrrrr...DoCILF and that bridesmaid was HOOOOOOOOOOOOT! Would it not have been even better if William was getting married to someone of non-english origin? JUST for the expression on Prince Phillip's face! I personally didn't watch all of it...the actual wedding was so BORING! Archbishop: Amen blaaaah blaaah blaahhhhh God blaah blaaah blaah *2 hours later!* Catherine blaaaah blaaah blaaah *Joe falls asleep!* However it was all worth it just to see the Queen thwarted by the stairs of her carriage. I hope you all enjoyed your day off! And if anyone went to London to see it...I'm so sorry. Joey Metal OUT!

-Joe \m/-

Tuesday 26 April 2011

First Day Back At School...Verbal Sigh!

Hey Guys! As those of the audience in Britain should know today, for the majority, is the first day back to school! Many see it as an opportunity to catch up with friends they haven't seen over the holidays or just just chill out before getting properly into the regular school regime. But NO! Not for Joe! First lesson back at school...Spanish Listening Exam! I mean what's up with THAT!? I get that I am nearing my GCSE exams, but first lesson on the first day back? Then the rest of the day was hard work and revision!...except for Art, I drew a cartoon dragon...called him "Geoff" and glued him to a computer. >< And for younger members of said audience...When you reach Yr 10 DO NOT SLACK! Take it from me..a lazy Yr 11. It does not pay off! You need to concentrate throughout the entire, in EVERY SINGLE SUBJECT! GCSEs are not easy, so it is no use thinking that you can pick up the slack in Yr 11...as I found out, IT. DOESN'T. WORK. Yes you should always keep at least 3 or so hours for yourself everyday, but always keep 1 or 2 hours in your schedule for revision. Especially during Yr 11 as it can possibly mean the difference between a B and an A or an A and an A*! I'm sorry for not really making any funny rants today...it's because it has just hit me that we only have 2/3 weeks until our first GCSE exam! I hope you all take my advice! okay...Rannnnt, rannt rannt.....EUREKA! So today I was trying to play Dust In The Wind..I know it is not metal! and is kinda....crappy. >< But it has such a nice guitar track! If any of you, the audience, can play it, please record yourself playing it and post it in a comment or if I manage to/remember I might create a Rantability Facebook page for all your responses to my questions! So all you around Britain, America and that one viewer in France can show me up. ¬¬ So please like it if you can find it on Facebook! If you can't...I've forgotten to make it. And guys I see none of you have liked my band's page, it'll be much appreciated and if we get this baby off the ground, who knows we might come to a town near you to play a gig! We are heavy! (Kinda like Whitechapel, Suicide Silence) And if I can find how...I'm going to post the guitar track and vocal track for our new song Unholy Trinity on here so all you brothers and sisters of metal can have a lil' taste of it...just realised how long this blog is...Joey Metal OUT!

-Joe \m/-

Monday 25 April 2011

Decapitated Oath Shout Out!

Hey Guys! As you all know, well...you should, I am in a band called Decapitated Oath. Which is one BADASS band! And instead of getting ready for school tomorrow, I decided to dedicate this little piece of text right HERE to them...< That's for you guys! If, you haven't already noticed that is a link to our Facebook page. Please give us a like! It doesn't even matter if you never look at it again..it is just good for our self-esteem. Okay I'll give you the lowdown on this band. Here goes.

  • Lead Singer/Bass - Jake Hawker.
  • Lead Guitar - Me!
  • Bass - Halil Beydilli, Yeah we kinda have two...cos we're cool like that.
  • Rhythm Guitar/Backing Vocals - Jack Adams.
  • Drums - Tori Taylor-Evans...hopefully.

So that right there is our band line-up. So remember give us a like or a look and have a good feeling afterwards! ^^ Joey Metal OU.....haha not over yet it has recently been brought to my attention that we have a member of the Audience from the great country of France! So Audience member this is for you! Vous êtes génial! Et n'oubliez pas de dire à vos amis sur ce blog! I think that's right >< So cheers for any/all support you have given me and my band! And I hope you all have a pleasant day tomorrow and that you are ready for more Rantability! Joey Metal finally OUT!

-Joe \m/-

Ahhhhh Hayfever!

Hey Guys! It's getting near that dreaded time of year when all the people who have hayfever cower inside with tissues and hot orange. I am one of those people! And on behalf of all those people I say FREAK OFF POLLEN! Me and my older brother are the only people in my family who suffer from hayfever and boy do we get it bad! As soon as summer arrives we're stuck inside with itchy, bloodshot eyes, blocked noses and in general discomfort. What is the point in this affliction?! It is just punishing those who love summer! It's the only allergy which completely destroys the best time of the year! WHY?! It's not like in Britain our summers are full of sun and trips to the beach like on the coast of America or another uber sunny country, but it would just be nice to have the option of enjoying them! And before you say "But Joe, there are pills you can take", don't go there I have tried them ALL! I've had the non-drowsy ones and the drowsy, and they both sucked! One doesn't do anything, and the other you don't actually know if it is doing anything because you are falling asleep all the time! If any of you, the audience, know of any way to somehow get rid of hayfever or to help me please feel free to comment! Just make it short, I'm kinda lazy and would bother to read it. Ughhhh, I'm off to try and enjoy playing tennis...without having to leave court because I've gone blind due to having bloodshot, itchy eyes. >< Oh yeah..that was something I forgot to put on my first post...I.Play.Tennis...I'm not too bad, after for playing for 12 years, if you want to challenge me...you'll lose...end of. ^^ Joey Metal OUT!

-Joe \m/-

Sunday 24 April 2011

100+ Views!

Hey Guys! Just a quick message to thank each and everyone who has looked at this blog! I've finally reached the 100 mark! In just 3 days! I love every one of you audience! And now lets try and get to 200! Tell your friends, and tell them to tell their friends and such! And I hope you all had DOPE AS Easter!(Roughly translated as "Good Easter") Cheers again! It means a lot that people are actually slightly interested in what I have to say! And as I am in a good mood I'll give you all £5 or $5, some cake, a free all inclusive trip to Disneyland Paris,  a VIRTUAL HUG! *hugs* ^^ now that the mushy stuff is over with...prepare yourself for some Rantability tomorrow! Joey Metal OUT!

-Joe \m/-

Happy Easter Audience!

Hey Guys! Happy Easter! As you all know Easter is the celebration of Jesus' resurrection. Now...one SMALL question...How the freak did a bunny get involved?! Eggs I can sort of understand like rebirth, the start of new things and such but a bunny?! This is the Christian holiday of rebirth and the start of Spring. Not the holiday of twitchy noses and furiously shagging!...I hope. >< Was it because like for some strange and unexplainable reason when Jesus was crucified and put in his tomb there was a fluffy bunny holding a woven basket full of eggs? No. It wasn't. It is most probably when a big supermarket asked what they could use to commercialise this Holiday some guy wasn't paying attention looked out side and went.."oooooh look it's a cute little bunny ^^" to which all the leading...leaders of it had a Eureka moment! We'll have a bunny carrying eggs! Because it's not freaking plausible!...A bunny cannot carry a basket full of eggs...because it lacks in thumbs! RAAAWWWWWWWWRRRRR..Bunnies really piss me off. ¬¬ 

Anyway guys on a lighter note I hope you all have a great Easter! Even though I am not very Christian myself just take a step back from your eggs, your knitted chicks and...your BUNNIES! And have a think for a second about what this is really all about...then by all means stuff your face till you pass out or throw up!...Whatever comes first! Joey Metal OUT!

-Joe \m/-

Saturday 23 April 2011

Thank You Audience! And A Glorious Shout Out!

Hey Guys! Just posting to say thank you to all my viewers..all, presently, 55 of you! And a very big thanks to all y'all in the States! Did I say that right? Anyway back on to the main point, I would like to give a big shout out to 3 fellow...bloggers I think is the correct title...or as I like to call them "women". I'm gonna get beaten for writing that. Who without them you wouldn't be reading this or any of my past posts and, hopefully, having a little laugh at my opinions. So I am going to give a shout out to Sunshine_Camila95 and her blog "Life As We Know it", It is well worth a look at! Also take a little scoot over to Hollister_Betty94 and her blog "So Wrong It's Right"...the name of which I think is from some crappy All Time Low song...she's not gonna like that last sentence. >< And finally to my friend Imi who's blog "born to breathe" is full of fashion banter and pictures of great deals and such. So have a little look at all of these lovely ladies blogs, maybe follow them....but only on blogspot..no wierdos PLEASE! Cheers for reading this and for hopefully going to view their blogs..Joey Metal OUT!

By the way all writing in this colour is my outer-inner monologue. Comment if you have no idea what that means. :) 

-Joe \m/-

Decapitated Oath song and "My Jeans" Rant

Hey guys! As you can tell by the title there is going to a be rant in this blog somewhere...I hope. Anyway yesterday morning me and my mate Jake, who coincidently is the Lead Singer of Oath, wrote a song. It is quite brutal and definitely not for those with a weak heart, sensitive hearing, those of you blessed with the gift of hearing, people which are religious, because it doesn't put the Holy Trinity in a very good light...hence its name The Unholy Trinity. Anyway apart from its lyrics it is a BADASS DEATHCORE TUNE! It even has a solo! Played by me. If enough people like, comment, share or whatever you do one this thing...I'll upload the recording...and if I do bear in mind it is an amateur recording and is a little bit out of time. 

On to the rant!..Many of you may have heard of Rebecca Black's "Friday" song...well today I discovered a song which not only tops this but may forever hold the record for s****y auto-tuned nonsense about inanimate objects!It is called "My Jeans" by Jenna Rose. It starts off with a little girl talking about some jeans...then it gets well out of hand..there are even some inpubescent children rapping. "HOORAAAY!.." shouts Justin Bieber as he is no longer the highest voice in music! PAEDO SPOILER ALERT! In the end when the girl finally gets these jeans, they have sequins in the shape of a J on her backside! Bearing in mind she is like 7 she is flashing it about! Not only is it just wrong it is immoral! If I was her I wouldn't dare go into public, because this song is diabolically bad! If I were her and getting money for this I would be using it for protection money! Because I don't want to know where she got the profound idea that people may actually like this song!..This is all I have in my rant bank at the present time but I'll make sure it's full for tomorrow! If there is anything you want me to review post it in a comment or message me on Facebook!

-Joe \m/-

Friday 22 April 2011

First Ever Post!

Hey guys! Joe here. I've had a tip off from a friend that for your first post it is always good to write some basic information about yourself well here it goes!

Name: Joe
Age: 15
Favourite Colour: Black
Favourite Band(s): Pantera and Whitechapel ( I am a massive metalhead...but I will listen to LITERALLY anything)
Birthday: 14th June 
Any Pets: Chinchilla, Aged 6, Called Fred
Play Any Instruments: Guitar for 5 years

...I've run out of ideas...Frick! ><

Okay...well currently I am in 2 bands of opposite genres 'Unjustified' a Pop-Indie band and 'Decapitated Oath' a Post-Deathcore band. 'Decapitated Oath' (Get used to me calling them either D.O or Oath) are on Facebook so give us a look...and a like? 

That's basically what I'm about. Not exactly a rant...or a blog as such...but we'll get there soon enough!
