Welcome Audience!

Hey, welcome to my blog "Rantability" hope you like it! Any constructive feedback is welcome and any abusers or trolls...BRING.IT.ON.

-Joe \m/-

Saturday 7 May 2011

3 songs...well thought about for Oath!

Hey Guys! So I was sitting in my study and I was bored...so I decided it was about time I "entertained" you THE AUDIENCE, so much so that I put you in big, colourful capital letters ^^ That took far too much time and effort for what it is worth >< Anywhooooooooo...My band Decapitated Oath had a band practise today! It went very well we have perfected our first song, and a second is well on the way! And my other band Cause Uncertain (Name change due to in USA some metal band was called Unjustified) had the first proper band practise....still a LOT to do.

On another note BIN LADEN IS DEAD!...Or so it seems...however now because of this...I hate to say it but the whole world is royally F**KED. A new Al-Queda leader has already been announced...and he is piiiiiiiiiiiissed! Although this may be old news to you...but this guy has sworn to not stop until Obama is safely in a grave, dead or alive...*gulp* This is not gonna be good. However!....There is no however...just...keep your wits about you...and avoid America...FOREVER...I'm joking! It'll all die down soon enough and we can all forget about it and  return to our civilised normal lives! But one thing has to be said...if I get 1 more "Bin Laden Shoot Down Video!" Posted on my wall or on Facebook chat...I am going to kill that person by inserting their face into a blender...with a grater attachment on!...too far? Anyway I hope all you guys are well and that you all have a badass weekend! Joey Metal OUT!

-Joe \m/-

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Exams of Scariness!

Hey Guys! I thought I would let you know that beyond this façade of awesome, cool and general RANTABILITY! I am actually quite the panicker! >< During the past 2 hours I have done 2 maths past papers and half an hour on the History of Britain 1818 - 1915...NONE OF IT HELPED! I guess if I actually cared about the History of Britain 1818 - 1915 I might actually learn something but..naaahhhh I was more interested in trying to get 100 metres on QWOP (my current record being -2 metres ¬¬) I have found that this goes against ANY and ALL advice I have given any members of the audience of my friends...So I am determined to start ane.....OOHHHHH I got to 20 metres..FRICK >< After today I shall stop all Facebooking...well Facebooking all the time and I'm afraid to say....blogging. DON'T CRY AUDIENCE! I may have a change of heart...after a few hours...But I shall work hard and achieve a grade which I deserve...LORD PLEASE GIVE ME 100% A*s....O.o DAMMIT! On a serious note I am going to revise hard and pay attention in school! And I suggest all of you taking GCSEs or the equivalent or even A-level/AS levels or equivalent do to! And to all GOOD LUCK! Joey Metal OUT!

-Joe \m/-

Sunday 1 May 2011

First Band Practise!

Hey Guys! I am kinda losing interest in writing blogs at the moment due do some hardcore revision as my exams will always come before entertaining the Audience...sorry >< Anyway. Yesterday was the long awaited first band practise for my Deathcore band 'Decapitated Oath' and apart from a few little niggles...do people say niggles now? Being that the guitar parts were hard to teach due to difficult timing and that we couldn't rehearse with the lyrics as we don't actually own a microphone..yet! Even with these problems I still managed to teach the Rhythm Guitarist and Bassist the guitar/bass parts without too much aggravation and general pissing about! ^^ We still are lacking in one aspect however, we no longer have a drummer...as, for unknown reasons, unfortunately quit the band. This is a horrible loss but we must persevere! So any of you, the audience, if you can bash those skins and cymbals...give us a bell on our Facebook page, or just comment on this blog! We are hoping to use a simple recording software to record our first song, so watch this space rigggggghhhtt HERE for any details...if any of you are actually staring at the "HERE" you are obviously not reading this so you are silly! tehehheheehhehee ^^

On another note the exams are soon round the corner, 2 weeks infact. Because of this there will be little amounts of blogging from me and this is an apology in advance! But I would like to take a short second to warn anyone and everyone I know that due to the immense pressure of these exams I may have a slight short fuse but I'm not going to apologise for this because you most probably have given me a reason to be pissed off! In light of this, go easy on me or I will come down hard on you!....I'm being serious however I must state that is a prime moment for a cheeky "GIGGITY" So please anyone I am close to, cut me some slack! I would also like to give a shoutout to my friend who is closer to me than a brother! so Jke 'Fear' HERE you are! Joey Metal OUT!

-Joe \m/-